The black-footed ferret, once thought lost to extinction, is quickly becoming a success story thanks to the combined efforts of countless government and non-governmental agencies, conservationists and biologists.
However, the battle against extinction is still far from won.
While the numbers of black-footed ferrets have increased, they are still in great danger due to the loss of their habitat and primary prey, the prairie dog.
The ferret is not the only species at risk of extinction, there are thousands more that need help. For without any assistance, they will be lost forever.
I would like to thank everyone who helped me with the creation of this project:
Travis Livieri and the USFWS
Pat Fargey and Parks Canada
Maria Franke and the Toronto Zoo
Carleton University
Paul Adams for his support and encouragement
Chris Waddell for his invaluable input
Kathryn O'Hara for her guidance and skilled eye
Meagan Leflar for her magnificent website design and technical support
Meg Wilcox for teaching video editing
Roger Martin for his incredible technical assistance
Related links:
IUCN Red List - The black-footed ferret
U.S. Black-Footed Ferret Recovery Program
Toronto Zoo black-footed ferret breeding program
This project was made possible due to the participation, help and guidance of: